Tomorrow’s Energy Generators

Which Energy Generator Are You Going to Choose?

Let’s face it, we’re going to have to wait for cars on the crowded motorways of the future, at least while they are being sold.

But which car would you prefer to buy? The mass-produced SUV or the one that was made by a skilled craftsman with a small overhead shop and a handful of repair tools, right?

Each of the cars for sale will be high quality and very ethically made but at what cost to your wallet? The cost of oil is going up every day and we need to find more ways to fuel our vehicles.

Home Heating & Cooking

Gasoline is a finite resource that will not last forever. We are also basically burning up our precious coal resources for power.

Solar, wind, and water are all freely available sources of energy and they could provide us with free electricity if we catch on to how to harness the power of those three natural elements.

A wind-powered generator is fairly straightforward to make if you have good instructions to work with. The solar-powered generator is even easier to construct. You can buy kits or pre-made systems and have your home running completely on solar and wind power, all by an individual limited only by their wallet! An ad in the paper and a few dollars can provide you with the information you need to save you money on your electricity bills.

Estimating enters the picture.

You can decide to only make one wind-powered generator or several solar-powered ones. You can choose to start with a Solar Powered Generator or even go for a simple pre-made kit.

Whatever is helpful to you is what you should build and have in your backyard. A wind-powered generator does require maintenance in the long term.

If you choose to buy a kit, make sure you include regular maintenance of the motor and blade in the warranty. There are a variety of books that show you how you can build one in your backyard. It takes some basic tools and a little work, but it adds a wonderful sense of work and satisfaction whenever you have your own power source in your backyard!